PCA Planning Group

Information for Parishioners Regarding Pastoral Planning


What are PCA Planning Groups? What are the Styles of Parish Structures in the Diocese?

Single Parishes consists of individual parishes of various sizes entrusted to the care of a pastor or pastoral leader.

(Linkage) Linked Parishes Consist of two parishes working together to serve the faith communities with a pastor/ administrator/ Parish life director/pastoral coordinator.

(Cluster) Clustered Parishes consist of three or more parishes collaborating with one pastor/Administrator/parish life director/ pastoral coordinator.

An Oratory is a designated church building that is used for certain liturgical and other functions with the permission of the bishop. The care of an oratory is entrusted to a specific pastor. Weekend liturgies are held elsewhere.

(Merger) Merged parishes exist when two or more parishes become a single parish by consolidation and canonical merger. As a new parish the assets and liabilities are shared.