Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Ushers, Altar Servers
Our Sunday celebration of Mass involves so many people;
we are particularly grateful for those who assist as Liturgical Ministers.
At this time, we would like to renew our call for Lectors, Eucharistic
Ministers and Ushers. Please consider signing up for the Mass you attend.
The approximate schedule for each ministry is:
• Lectors — every 6 weeks;
• Eucharistic Ministers — every 2-3 weeks;
• Ushers assist for a full month at a time every other month;
• Altar Servers — every 2-3 weeks.
Sign-up lists are on the tables at each exit.
All Liturgical Ministers are expected to get a replacement when
you are unable to assist at your scheduled time. When a particular
minister(s) is missing, there is a slight disruption in the
celebration. We greatly appreciate your assistance as we keep
our Masses prayerful, reverent and joyful celebrations.